Verifying attestations

After requesting a signed attestation, it can be used to verify against a set of PCRs to check whether it matches those of the enclave image built from the intended codebase. Additionally, the attestation should be signed by the right root key. DeepWorm uses Marlin's ZK verifier to verify attestations before it allows an enclave key to be registered on its contract.

Users can also verify attestations themselves using the oyster-verifier tool which can be obtained from the links below:

Linux (amd64) -
Linux (arm64) -
Mac (amd64) -
Mac (arm64) -

oyster-verifier can also be built from code using:

$ git clone
$ cd oyster-monorepo/sdks/rs
$ cargo build --release

Once installed, extract the PCR values and root key by using the following command:

$ ./verifier --endpoint http://<enclave_domain>/attestation/raw
# The enclave_domain is available in the Contracts & IP Addresses section under the heading "WORM Brain Coprocessor".

The output should look something like:

verification successful: AttestationDecoded { timestamp: 1735045632258, pcrs: [[155, 69, 7, 32, 48, 171, 41, 104, 63, 71, 153, 67, 40, 240, 169, 212, 49, 45, 229, 3, 76, 164, 252, 150, 235, 170, 223, 199, 166, 50, 169, 56, 239, 188, 3, 72, 241, 189, 243
, 229, 60, 130, 95, 133, 43, 9, 235, 134], [60, 157, 48, 63, 137, 133, 110, 195, 65, 9, 19, 56, 28, 50, 131, 80, 195, 45, 20, 210, 248, 106, 43, 74, 119, 135, 153, 139, 214, 215, 109, 143, 96, 252, 136, 254, 160, 148, 191, 90, 2, 178, 194, 223, 27, 122,
 216, 50], [169, 62, 110, 65, 215, 188, 17, 195, 120, 32, 167, 76, 171, 28, 248, 146, 172, 221, 2, 190, 244, 15, 70, 34, 218, 30, 16, 60, 251, 145, 150, 177, 149, 166, 42, 54, 122, 252, 18, 41, 103, 226, 101, 235, 152, 80, 225, 86]], root_public_key: [2
52, 2, 84, 235, 166, 8, 193, 243, 104, 112, 226, 154, 218, 144, 190, 70, 56, 50, 146, 115, 110, 137, 75, 255, 246, 114, 217, 137, 68, 75, 80, 81, 229, 52, 164, 177, 246, 219, 227, 192, 188, 88, 26, 50, 183, 177, 118, 7, 14, 222, 18, 214, 154, 63, 234, 3
3, 27, 102, 231, 82, 207, 125, 209, 221, 9, 95, 111, 19, 112, 244, 23, 8, 67, 217, 220, 16, 1, 33, 228, 207, 99, 1, 40, 9, 102, 68, 135, 201, 121, 98, 132, 48, 77, 197, 63, 244], public_key: [194, 58, 170, 237, 155, 126, 83, 158, 127, 162, 151, 158, 80,
 225, 59, 3, 186, 202, 149, 26, 25, 19, 151, 73, 99, 96, 175, 168, 78, 157, 154, 96, 144, 72, 161, 240, 250, 131, 152, 165, 139, 127, 59, 187, 157, 61, 43, 227, 141, 77, 192, 194, 254, 106, 86, 126, 35, 158, 128, 45, 110, 239, 113, 0] }
pcr0: 9b45072030ab29683f47994328f0a9d4312de5034ca4fc96ebaadfc7a632a938efbc0348f1bdf3e53c825f852b09eb86
pcr1: 3c9d303f89856ec3410913381c328350c32d14d2f86a2b4a7787998bd6d76d8f60fc88fea094bf5a02b2c2df1b7ad832
pcr2: a93e6e41d7bc11c37820a74cab1cf892acdd02bef40f4622da1e103cfb9196b195a62a367afc122967e265eb9850e156
root pubkey: fc0254eba608c1f36870e29ada90be46383292736e894bfff672d989444b5051e534a4b1f6dbe3c0bc581a32b7b176070ede12d69a3fea211b66e752cf7dd1dd095f6f1370f4170843d9dc100121e4cf63012809664487c9796284304dc53ff4
enclave pubkey: c23aaaed9b7e539e7fa2979e50e13b03baca951a191397496360afa84e9d9a609048a1f0fa8398a58b7f3bbb9d3d2be38d4dc0c2fe6a567e239e802d6eef7100

These values can then be matched against the expected PCRs of the DeepWorm enclave posted at The root key should match AWS's root key which can be extracted from AWS' root certificate using the following:

  • Download and unzip

  • It contains a file named root.pem. Execute the following command:

    $ openssl x509 -in root.pem -noout -text
  • The root key can be found next the field with the heading `pub`

            Version: 3 (0x2)
            Serial Number:
            Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA384
            Issuer: C = US, O = Amazon, OU = AWS, CN = aws.nitro-enclaves
                Not Before: Oct 28 13:28:05 2019 GMT
                Not After : Oct 28 14:28:05 2049 GMT
            Subject: C = US, O = Amazon, OU = AWS, CN = aws.nitro-enclaves
            Subject Public Key Info:
                Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey
                    Public-Key: (384 bit)
                    ASN1 OID: secp384r1
                    NIST CURVE: P-384
            X509v3 extensions:
                X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
                X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
                X509v3 Key Usage: critical
                    Digital Signature, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
        Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA384
        Signature Value:

Last updated